Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's been a busy week in Canton

My hosts thought it would be a great idea to do some off-roading in the Jeep, but it turns out that I was too short to reach the pedals. Since that didn't work out, we tried to get a soccer game started......(Why do I always have to be the goalie?). It turned out that chilling out on the deck was the coolest thing to do. Just waiting for a cool breeze to get my pin wheel going!

What have I gotten myself into?

My hosts for the week found me on their front lawn when they got back from vacation. I spent a lovely time hanging out with the furriest host of the family and roaming around the house at night.
I also spent a lot of time looking outside wondering why the squirrels walked around with no pants on. This is why I decided to join the "Small Animal Decency Fund" which seeks to rid our neighborhoods of potentially offensive indecent exposures. I'm hoping my squirrel underpants invention takes off. Until next week.....C. Gnome

Friday, July 22, 2011

Heat Wave

It's 100 degrees but my new hosts have helped me out. I hope I go somewhere cool next too!

Friday, July 15, 2011

First visit

I spent some lovely time with a Canton family this week. I cruised around in a convertible, went out to eat, had a great time. Last night I made it to my new pad. Here are some candid shots of this week.....

Friday, July 8, 2011

The first ever Gnoming in Canton

Late Friday night, in the rain the Gnome has landed somewhere (with help from Joe from Buffalo). Can you tell where from these late night gnoming pics?